The Hangout
The Hangout is our space where couples eat dinner and connect with one another. It’s the time you get to relax from your busy day before the workshop starts. You’ll build relationships with other couples and The Hangout is a great place to catch up with them.

The Crib
As you complete workshops, you’ll earn Crib Cash to purchase important baby items. Best of all, you can purchase diapers with your Crib Cash. Did you know that on average a baby goes through 300 diapers a month! We will reload your Crib Card with Crib Cash several times throughout the program.

Child Care
We provide child care during the workshop so you can stay focused. Our child care team is certified by all Oklahoma Child Care Laws. Children 0 to 36 months are eligible.

Meeting Rooms
You’ll meet with one of our staff members in our warm and inviting rooms. During this time you’ll get to know us and we’ll get to know you! We have toys and coloring supplies for the kids.